Learning how to adult...
Vanessa Otero graduated from high school way back in the last century (1999). She was in my first-period AP Language and Composition class where she stood out for her sense of humor, levelheadedness, and analytical insight. Her post is about “adulting” and one of the things she talks about is taking advice from the right people. My first thought here is that Vanessa would be a really good person from whom to take advice. Why? Because in twenty year’s time Vanessa has chalked up a lot of life experience. Vanessa graduated from UCLA, where she earned a degree in English. Since then she has changed direction a number of times. Early on she thought she wanted to go to med school, but instead jumped into the world of sales (pharmaceuticals, real estate seminars) where she worked for several years. She then started taking law school classes at night (University of Denver) and eventually pulled off something that few have the temerity to do: a complete career switch. She is now a ...